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Diet and Nutrition

Vitamin D–Are Your Children (or You) Getting Enough?

Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is getting a lot of attention in the health headlines lately. While it is most well known for its role in bone health and calcium absorption, it seems that new research is continually uncovering other links between this vitamin and a variety of health conditions. This can raise the question of whether it is necessary to supplement with Vitamin D, and if so, how much? Too much can be toxic, so is it really safe to give this to your child without knowing their levels? Read the rest of this entry »

5 Benefits of Breast-feeding

Most women have heard by now that breast-feeding is the best and most economical option for babies in order to ensure adequate nutrition, but there are more benefits that may be new to some or a good reminder of why breastfeeding is so important. I have listed five benefits supported by research. There are many more benefits as well. Please feel free to comment with additional breastfeeding benefits (be sure to cite a source, either an article from a reputable site or a primary research study), and I will post your comment. Read the rest of this entry »

Hyperactivity (ADHD) in children linked to food dyes.

Finally, scientists and academics are giving credence to the claims that food dyes may be a trigger for hyperactivity in children. This is not a huge surprise to many parents who have eliminated artificial colorings from their childrens' diets and noticed an improvement in behavior, but why does it take so long for scientists to acknowledge what these parents have witnessed? What should parents do with this information? And what, if anything, will the FDA do? Read the rest of this entry »
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February 2025