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Hyperactivity (ADHD) in children linked to food dyes.

Finally, scientists and academics are giving credence to the claims that food dyes may be a trigger for hyperactivity in children. This is not a huge surprise to many parents who have eliminated artificial colorings from their childrens' diets and noticed an improvement in behavior, but why does it take so long for scientists to acknowledge what these parents have witnessed? What should parents do with this information? And what, if anything, will the FDA do? Read the rest of this entry »

Natural Treatments for Colic in Infants

Infant colic is perhaps one of the most frustrating and tiring conditions parents of infants may face. A baby who has true colic will often affect the physical, mental, and emotional health of the whole family if healthy coping strategies are not in place. While there is certainly no guaranteed cure for colic, there are a number of natural treatments (for infant and parents) that may help everyone survive this difficult phase with their health and sanity in tact. Read the rest of this entry »

Five common nutrient deficiencies in infants and young children.

Infant formulas and many first foods, such as infant cereal, are fortified with a number of vitamins and minerals, but what if you choose not to incorporate these foods into your baby's diet? Is there another way to ensure that your child is getting adequate nutrition? At what point should your child be tested for deficiencies? These are good questions. Hopefully the following information will provide useful suggestions and guidelines to help keep your baby or young child as healthy as possible. Read the rest of this entry »
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May 2024