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Posts Tagged ‘infants’

Five common nutrient deficiencies in infants and young children.

Infant formulas and many first foods, such as infant cereal, are fortified with a number of vitamins and minerals, but what if you choose not to incorporate these foods into your baby's diet? Is there another way to ensure that your child is getting adequate nutrition? At what point should your child be tested for deficiencies? These are good questions. Hopefully the following information will provide useful suggestions and guidelines to help keep your baby or young child as healthy as possible. Read the rest of this entry »

Preventing the Number One Cause of Death of Children in the U.S.

With all the hype about the flu this past fall and winter, you may have been misled to think that flu is a leading cause of death in infants and children. While influenza may be the leading cause of death due to infectious disease in the U.S., it is far from the leading cause of death of infants and children. The leading cause of death for the age groups of 1-4 years, 5-14 years, and 15-24 years in the U.S. is accidents, and of these tragedies, automobile accidents make up the majority. Read the rest of this entry »

A Good Night’s Sleep

Many parents have experienced challenges with bedtime at least once during parenthood. In this day and age, there are many "experts" out there willing to share their advice (some for free, and some for a price) on how to get your children to sleep. It should go without saying that what works for one family, doesn't necessarily work for another; however, with the availability of information and pressure to do things the "right" way, many parents have lost the ability to tap into their intuition and do what is best for their own child and family situation. Read the rest of this entry »
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September 2024