Tips for Successful Toilet Training
Training your child to use the toilet can be a battle for some and no big deal for others. It is important to understand that every child is different and what works for one child doesn't always work for another. Before you begin, you should realize that your child must be physically ready in order for toilet training to be a success. Infants who have not yet developed control over the muscles that control elimination can not be expected to use the toilet every time they need to eliminate (even if they are capable of communicating with you when they do need their diaper changed). Toddlers who have more control over elimination but lack skills to pull down their own pants may also struggle. Perhaps the biggest frustration for parents is training children who seem not to care that their clothes are soiled or who are intentionally defiant when it comes to using the toilet. These behaviors could indicate other problems that may need to be addressed before successful toilet training occurs. Read the rest of this entry »
Having another baby? Here are 5 topics to discuss with your child’s healthcare provider.
After a long hiatus, I have made time for blogging again. The past year has been busy with transitions, the biggest being the birth of my daughter in January. Being the mother of two has given me a whole new appreciation for the work that parents do and also a lot of inspiration for more (hopefully relevant) topics for this blog. Read the rest of this entry »