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Health Conditions

Natural Treatments for Asthma.

Any parent who has been to the E.R. with their child during an acute asthma attack can tell you first-hand how scary this medical condition is. Asthma affects nearly 1 in 11 children in the U.S. It is usually diagnosed before age 5, and many times the initial diagnosis follows an upper respiratory infection, such as the common cold. Most alarming, is the fact that asthma rates and deaths due to asthma have increased significantly over the past few decades--a statistic not to be taken lightly. As frustrating and scary as the disease itself can be, more and more parents and affected children are just as frustrated with the limited treatment options available. While it is true that some children "outgrow" their asthma, that is not true for all children. Those who live with moderate to severe asthma may find themselves choosing between daily medications that slowly destroy their liver or a lifestyle hampered greatly by the threat of their next asthma attack. Fortunately, there are some Natural Treatments that can be quite effective and help those with asthma decrease the severity and progression of their disease while minimizing the need for potentially harmful drugs. Here, in no particular order, are some Natural Treatments to consider (and discuss with a qualified healthcare professional): Read the rest of this entry »

Dealing with Chronic Constipation in Children.

Constipation is a common problem in children, and one that can often be corrected at home. Common causes of constipation include lack of fiber in the diet, mild dehydration, pain with bowel movements, behavior, stress, and lack of physical activity. Certain medications and supplements may also cause constipation. The age of your child should help you determine which of the above causes is most likely. If constipation is a new problem for your child, your child is complaining of pain and has a distended abdomen or fever or it has been more than 4 days since having a bowel movement, your child should be seen by his or her healthcare provider. Read the rest of this entry »

The link between ADHD/ADD and Sleep!

Many parents have observed a correlation between over-tiredness and hyperactivity in their young children. What I recently learned and may come as a surprise to many parents out there is how significant an impact poor sleep can have on a child's behavior and ability to function in school. Read the rest of this entry »
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May 2024