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Toilet training your toddler.

Whether you are motivated by money saved not having to buy disposable diapers, the fact that your child will be able to attend the top preschool on your list, or the mere accomplishment of passing one more milestone in parenthood, chances are that you may have to overcome some obstacles when it comes to toilet training. Before you can think about toilet training your child, you should be sure that they are physically ready for the task and it helps if they are in an emotionally agreeable state as well. Read the rest of this entry »

Natural Treatments for Ear Infections.

Ear infections are a common reason for childhood doctor visits. They are also a common reason for unnecessary antibiotics. Despite the fact that most ear infections are caused by viruses or a result of allergies, many doctors prescribe antibiotics rather than spend extra time educating parents on how to comfort their sick child or prevent recurrent infections. Read the rest of this entry »

Should your child be tested for Celiac Disease?

Celiac Disease, also known as Celiac Sprue, is caused when the body recognizes gluten as a toxic substance and eventually results in changes to the intestinal tract, making it more difficult to properly absorb nutrients. Common digestive symptoms include abdominal pain/cramping, diarrhea, constipation, pale stools, bloating, and decreased appetite. Besides the digestive symptoms associated with Celiac Disease, the latest research indicates that a number of people may have other manifestations of the disease that present before the changes to the gut are detectable. These symptoms include depression/irritability (presenting as behavior problems in children), rashes, sores in the mouth, muscle pain, joint pain, tingling/numbness in extremities, fatigue, weight-loss or difficulty gaining weight, stunted growth, and rash. Read the rest of this entry »
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May 2024